MUZA SA działa na rynku wydawniczym od 1991 roku. Jest spółką akcyjną notowaną na Warszawskiej Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych. Prowadzi własną księgarnię internetową oraz stacjonarną. Bierze udział w krajowych i międzynarodowych targach książki. Współpracuje z najlepszymi wydawnictwami zagranicznymi.
Prospectus for shares
Prospectus for shares

(file for downloading in pdf format)
About us
MUZA SA is a joint stock company with its registered office in Warsaw at Sienna 73, entered into the register by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Economic Division of the National Court Register, under number 65143. The main scope of activity according to the P.K.D. (Polish Classification of Economic Activity) 22.1 states as follows:
  • publishing and printing in full scope,
  • production and reproduction of recorded media,
  • trade and distribution, especially of publishing products, printed products and other data carriers in full scope,
  • advertisement activities, organization of cultural, entertainment and sports events,
  • organization of fares and exhibitions,
  • management of rehabilitation centres, sanatories and other medical institutions.

MUZA SA is a company with shares traded solely on the Warsaw Stock Market on the parallel market in the media sector.

MUZA SA cooperates with the best foreign publishers and agencies trading with copyrights, from which it purchases rights to publish books in Polish, as well as with numerous printing agencies worldwide to which it commissions the printing of its books.

At present, the offer of the company focuses on belles-lettres and handbooks as well as encyclopedias.

The Constitution of the MUZA SA Capital Group is:

dominating entity - MUZA SA, with its registered office in Warsaw at Sienna 73, whose scope of activity focuses on book publishing, with the following subsidiaries:

Muza Szkolna Sp. z o.o. (the issuing entity has 100% of shares - consolidated by full method) with its registered office in Warsaw, its scope of activity being focused on publishing educational books,

Muza Marketing Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (the issuing entity has 100% of shares - consolidated by full method), whose scope of activity focuses on wholesale and retail sale, including export and import, as well as intermediary activities in the scope of the sale of books and other publications, customs warehouses management, organization of fares, tenders and auctions, sport, leisure and entertainment events.

PDK S.A. (the issuing entity has 81.3% of shares - consolidated by full method) - the scope of activity includes hotel management, wholesale and retail sale of books and CDs as well as music cassettes, CD - ROMs, posters, board and card games, reproductions, magazines, hygiene products, paper and other writing and office products.